Talk:Biggest Mistakes

From NSB User Guide
Revision as of 11:34, 21 August 2018 by Druhimes (talk | contribs) (→‎Discussion of 'Biggest Mistakes')
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Discussion of 'Biggest Mistakes'

Hello, my name is Dru Himes, and I'd like to begin by saying "I do NOT know everything about baseball or Nostalgia Baseball, my knowledge and wisdom has accrued over thirteen years of being involved in Nostalgia Baseball and having moderate success when it comes to running a franchise. There are particular things I believe an owner should and should not do when trying to create and sustain a dynasty in this game."

By adding to and editing the page of Biggest Mistakes, I've only scratched the surface of mistakes one can make in this game, as it does tend to have a bit of a learning curve. One that took me many seasons to see. My best advice is to acquire as many teams as you can handle so you can lessen the learning curve. At the very least, you will decrease the time it takes to learn all the players. So, the biggest mistake, honestly, to me, is having only one team. Like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you can become. This game requires you to take part in drafts, signing contracts, making managerial decisions such as Pitching rotations, Batting line-ups, substitutions, base-running allowances, defensive positioning, and much more. So, maybe you can see the more times you go through a draft, the better chance you have at becoming more acquainted with the process.